Code of Conduct for Visitors

Code of Conduct for Visitors

Our school encourages the community and parents to be involved in and support the school in the
educational program. While visitors are welcome at appropriate times, all visitors shall adhere to the
following expectations:

● All visitors shall report to the front office and sign in.
● Visitors’ identification will be scanned in order to enter the school building.
● Authorization to visit elsewhere in the building or on the school campus will be determined by
the principal/designee.
● Visitor passes/badges will be issued to persons other than students and employees of the school.

In order to maintain an orderly, respectful and secure environment for students and staff, it is essential
that families and visitors, including those attending office school meetings via electronic platform, are
aware of their responsibilities and understand that adherence to these guidelines is essential for each school
and office. Penalties for lack of adherence to this Code of Conduct shall be enforceable by the board of
education and by local law enforcement officers, if necessary.

No person shall:

 1. Act in a threatening manner (i.e., gross disrespect, threatening, using loud or
offensive or profane language, swearing, or displaying temper, or causing disruption to
professional or academic climate) toward any staff member or student;
2. Approach someone else’s child in order to discuss an issue or chastise them.
(Such an approach to a child may be seen as an assault on that child and may have legal
3. Injure any other person or threaten to do so;

4. Damage or destroy school property, or threaten to damage or destroy school
property or the property of a teacher, administrator, other district employee or any other person
lawfully on school property;
5. Disrupt classes, school programs or other school activities;
6. Send abusive, harassing, or threatening emails or text/voicemail/phone
messages or other inappropriate written communication;
7. Record or videotape any interactions within the school building where there is
an expectation of privacy (classroom instruction, conversations with teachers, students, staff),
unless all participants to the conversation have given their permission for the recording or
8. Misuse social media to fuel campaigns and complaints against schools, school
staff, and/or other parents/students through social networking and websites;
9. Misuse social media for cyberbullying and/or to publicly humiliate another by
inappropriate social network entry;

10. Disrupt school transportation or confront transportation staff on the bus, the
road, in neighborhoods, or on school system grounds, or enter upon a school bus without express
permission to do so;
11. Distribute or wear materials on school grounds or at school functions that are
suggestive and inappropriate, obscene, advocate illegal action, promote alcohol or illegal
substances, appear libelous, obstruct the rights of others, or are disruptive to the school program;
12. Disrupt school transportation or confront transportation staff on the bus, the
road, in neighborhoods, or on school system grounds, or enter upon a school bus without express
permission to do so;
13. Intimidate, harass or discriminate against any person on the basis of race,
color, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, religion, age, sex, gender identity, sexual
orientation, disability or age;
14. Enter any portion of the school premises without authorization or remain in
any building or facility after it is normally closed;
15. Obstruct the free movement of any person in any place to which this code
16. Violate the traffic laws, parking regulations or other restrictions of vehicles
while on school property;
17. Possess, consume, sell, distribute or exchange alcoholic beverages, tobacco,
tobacco products, vaping products, controlled substances, or be under the influence on school
property or at school functions;
18. Possess or use firearms or dangerous weapons in or on school property or at
any school function, except in the case of law enforcement officers;
19. Loiter on school property or at school functions;
20. Gamble on school property or at school functions;
21. Refuse to comply with any reasonable order of identifiable school district
officials performing their duties;
22. Willfully incite others to commit any of the acts prohibited by this code; or
23. Violate any federal or state statute, local ordinance, or Board policy while on
school property or while at a school function.
24. Otherwise act in any manner that disrupts school operations, threatens or creates harm or a
safety concern for others on school property or at a school event.

Consequences for Violating the Code of Conduct

Principals or their designees and school security have the authority to enforce the Code of Conduct for
Families, Volunteers and Visitors, as well as all district policies and procedures, and are authorized to
determine the appropriate offense level outlined below.
Depending upon the severity of the incident, parents/guardians or visitors may be ejected from, or
otherwise banned from campus and participation in school-sponsored activities. In situations involving
lesser infractions or where remediation is viable, a verbal warning will be provided. Should a
parent/guardian or visitor fail to heed the direction issued in the verbal warning, a ban or other restrictions
designed to deter the conduct will follow. No restriction, however, will prevent the parent/guardian from
working collaboratively with the school to meet the child’s educational needs, nor will a parent/guardian
be excluded from meetings regarding their child’s education and performance.

Level 1 Offense
Offenses that do not jeopardize the safety or welfare of students or staff will be classified as Level 1.
Consequences are geared to deter and correct behaviors. Failure to act accordingly will result in the
escalation to a Level 2 offense and consequence.
● First Infraction: verbal warning
● Second Infraction: administrator/parent meeting
● Third Infraction: administrator/parent meeting with district personnel

Failure to attend meetings will result in escalation to a Level 2 offense.

Level 2 Offense
A parent/guardian or visitor in violation of any portion of this code that jeopardizes the academic
environment and/or safety and welfare of students or staff is subject to being banned from school property
for a specified period of time and will be subject to the district’s right to pursue a civil or criminal legal
action. Repeated Level 1 offenses may also qualify as a Level 2 offense.
Consequence: Issuance of a formal “No Trespass Letter” from premises – this formal notice can be
instituted for a quarter, semester or year at the discretion of the school system. A meeting will be required
with school administration before visitors may return to school property. Failure to attend this meeting
can result in extension of the no trespass order.

Right to Appeal
Level 1 offenses are not appealable.

If an individual would like to appeal a Level 2 offense, a written request with supporting evidence must
be submitted to the Director of Schools (or an appointed designee) within five (5) calendar days of the
imposition of the consequence. Contact information for school staff can be located on the school’s official
website. Upon receipt of a request to appeal, the appointed designee has five calendar days to issue a
written finding to either uphold, amend or abolish the ban as written. If the reviewing staff upholds the
decision of the principal, a second level of appeal is available through the Director of Schools or the
School Board. All appeals should be requested within 24 hours and will be responded to in a timely

This visitor code of conduct has been reviewed and approved by Charles W. Cagle, the Warren County
School Board Attorney, TNBPR No. 013738.