WCHS Academies
WCHS Academy Information
Academy FAQs
WCHS Academies
Beginning with the class of 2021 WCHS is implementing an academy based curriculum for all students.
This is an approach which has been very successful in schools across the country. Below is information
relative to the academies and how it will be implemented within our school:
What is an academy?
An academy is a school within a school. It is similar to a team teaching approach. Students choose a
career focus area and are placed into an academy based upon their chosen career/ technical classes.
Academic teachers, career/technical teachers, principals, and school counselors are assigned to a
specific academy. All students within an academy have the same academic and career/technical teachers.
How many academies will be in place at WCHS?
There will be four academies:
- Architecture, Culinary, and Creative Arts
- Automotive, Construction, and Advanced Manufacturing
- Biological Sciences
- Business, Law, and Education
What is a pathway?
A pathway is a series of classes taken within a specific academy. All students are required to take three
classes in a specific pathway in order to graduate.
What are the pathways within each academy?
I. Architecture. Culinary, and Creative Arts
a. Architectural Design
b. Culinary Arts
c. Creative Arts
II. Automotive. Construction, and. Advanced Manufacturing
a. Structural Systems (Construction)
b. Automotive Collision Repair
c. Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair
d. Advanced Manufacturing
III. Biological Sciences
a. Horticulture Science
b. Veterinary and Animal Science
c. Nursing Services
IV. Business. Law, and. Education
a. Early Childhood Education Careers
b. Marketing and Management
c. Office Management
d. Criminal Justice
How do students choose an academy and a pathway?
9th graders are all enrolled in a career exploration course. In this course the academies are reviewed
and students are taken on a tour of the career/technical classrooms. 9th graders were asked to
complete a form which ranked their preference for an academy and specific pathway of courses.
Students are placed in academies based upon the preferences that they chose.
Are all students given the opportunity to take Honors, AP, and/or Dual Enrollment courses?
Yes, all students are provided the opportunity to take Honors, AP, and/or Dual Enrollment courses.
What elective are students able to enroll in?
All students may enroll in electives that are considered global electives across the curriculum. These
include all Honors, AP, Dual Enrollment, foreign language, ROTC, numerous social studies classes, and
numerous fine arts courses. A list of current global class offerings can be viewed on the WCHS website.
Career and technical classes are limited to their respective academies.
What if a student changes their mind and wants to change their academy or pathway?
Students are given the opportunity to request a change in either their academy or pathway during
registration each spring. Deadlines and details are provided to students. Students are placed on a
waiting list and changes are made based upon availability.
As educators we are very excited about the possibilities that this format will allow for our students.
Teaching as teams will allow us greater communication across disciplines and help us to gain a better
understanding of each of our students.
Global Course Offerings 10th Grade Students
Available to All 10th Grade Students
English II (10)
English ll-H (10)
Creative Writing (10-12)
Journalism (Annual) (10-12)'
Lifetime Wellness/PE (Sem) (9-12)
Lifetime Wellness/HL (Sem) (9-12)
PE II (Sem) (10-12)
PE III (Sem) (10-12)
JROTC I (9-12)
JROTC II (10-12) ("JROTC I)
Driver Training (Sem) (10-12)
Study Hall
Algebra I (9-12)
Algebra I-H (9-12)
Algebra II (10-12)
Algebra ll-H (9-12)
Geometry (9-10)
Geometry H (9-12)
Physical Science (9-12)
Biology I (10-12)
Biology l-H (10-11)
Chemistry I (10-12)
Chemistry l-H (10-11)
Physics (10-12)
Physics-H (10-11)
World History & Geography (9-12)
Economics (Sem) (10-12)
U S Government (Sem) (10-12)
AP World History (10-12)
Personal Finance (Sem) (10-12)
American Sign Language I (10-12)
American Sign Language II (11-12)
Contemporary Issues (Sem) (10-12)
Psychology (Sem) (10-12)
Sociology (Sem) (10-12)
French I (10-11)
French II (10-12)
Spanish I (9-11)
Spanish II (10-12)
Spanish lll-H (10-12)
AP History of Art (9-12)
General Music (9-12)
Instrumental Music (9-12)
Painting (10-12)*
Select Choir/Ensemble (10-12)*
Theater Arts (9-12)
Visual Art I (9-12)
Visual Art 11(10-12)
Visual Art lll/IV-H (11-12)
Vocal Music (10-12)
Pathways for Academies
Business, Law, and Education
Education & Training
Program of Study
Early Childhood Education Careers
Level 1: Child Care Careers I
Level 2: Child Care Careers II
Level 3: Child Care Careers III
Level 4: Child Care Careers IV
Program of Study
Marketing Management
Level 1: Introduction To Business & Marketing
Level 2: Marketing & Management I: Principles
Level 3: Marketing & Management II
Level 4: Retail Operations
Office Management
Program of Study
Office Management
Level 1: Computer Applications
Level 2: Advanced Computer Applications
Level 3: Business Management or Business Communications
Program of Study
Criminal Justice
Level 1: Criminal Justice I
Level 2: Criminal Justice II
Level 3: Criminal Justice III
Automotive, Construction, and Advanced Manufacturing
Program of Study
Structural System
Level 1: Fundamentals of Construction
Level 2: Carpentry I
Level 3: Carpentry II
Program of Study
Automotive Collision Repair
Level 1: Introduction To Collision Repair
Level 2: Collision Repair I
Level 3: Collision Repair II
Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair
Level 1: Maintenance & Light Repair I
Level 2: Maintenance & Light Repair II
Level 3: Maintenance & Light Repair III
Level 4: Maintenance & Light Repair IV
Advanced Manufacturing
Program of Study
Advanced Manufacturing
Level 1: Principles of Manufacturing I
Level 2: Advanced Manufacturing
Level 3: Advanced Manufacturing
CADD, Culinary, and Creative Arts
Program of Study
Architectural Design
Level 1: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design I
Level 2: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design II
Level 3: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design III
Hospitality & Tourism
Program of Study
Culinary Arts
Level 1: Culinary I
Level 2: Culinary II
Level 3: Culinary III
Level 4: Culinary IV
Creative Arts
Program of Study
Creative Arts
Level 1: History of Modern Music
Level 2: Drawing/ Photography or Guitar/ Piano
Level 3: Vocal Music or Instrumental Music or Art II/III or Theater Arts
Biological Sciences
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Program of Study
Horticulture Science
Level 1: Agriscience
Level 2: Principles of Plant Science & Hydroculture
Level 3: Greenhouse Management
Level 4: Landscaping & Turf Science
Veterinary & Animal Science
Level 1: Agriscience
Level 2: Small Animal Science
Level 3: Large Animal Science
Level 4: Veterinary Science
Health Science
Program of Study
Nursing Services
Level 1: Health Science Education
Level 2: Medial Therapeutics
Level 3: Anatomy & Physiology
Level 4: Nursing Education or CNA